20 Jun 2014
Posted By: Michele Hunter
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This case study follows on from the 'Raised Beds' case study I wrote in January.  You will see from the attached photographs that the plants have more than settled into their positions in the beds and I have shown some earlier photos to give an idea of how the beds have altered!  In fact, so much so, that we have had to do some remedial work on one plant in particular - we called this plant the 'Triffid' because it grew so big that we had to remove it from the beds.  This was not supposed to happen!  The correct name for this plant is Centaurea 'Silver Feathers'.  It was meant to be a compact evergreen perennial growing to about 60cms height and about the same in width.  It grew to about 1m x 1m and swamped all the other plants around it.  It is now in its own pot where it can be kept under control.  It is still a stunning plant with beautiful lilac flowers.  

So much of this fast rate of growth is due to the introduction of new top soil mixed with soil conditioner and the addition of bonemeal (to promote strong roots in the winter) or fish, blood and bone (for all round plant health in the Spring/Summer) as well as the perfect weather and mild winter.  Most of the plants got planted during October and November with the remaining plants going in during April. The Autumn planting gave the plants time to settle into position with little or no frosts to worry about.  The raised beds are situated in a protected area and are in full sun for most of the day.  The plants we chose for the beds require free draining soils and don't like their feet being wet so it is the perfect environment for them. 

It was lovely working for a client that knew what was required and was prepared to get their hands dirty.  They built all of the beds and laid the slabs and all I had to do was choose the right plants for the right place.  They also got involved with planting and I was able to give them advice about the plants at the same time.  Plant care can only work if the client is prepared to take on the responsibility of watering, deadheading and weeding.  It pays off in the end and the plants will give a longer season of flowering.  Perennis can provide a service agreement to suit the needs of the client which may require a visit twice a year or once a month or once a week!  Not all clients have got the time to look after their garden on a regular basis and we can provide the solution.